According to the German law of associations the terms and conditions for payment of GAeF membership fees has to be documented in membership fee regulations (Beitragssatzung). The current version of this document was accepted during the General Assembly at the EAC2019 in Gothenburg on 27th of August 2019. Please note that only the German Version is legally binding. For the ease of communication the GAeF board has provided an English translation.
*legally binding
Payment methods for payment of GAeF membership fees
SEPA direct debit (SEPA - Lastschriftverfahren)
This payment method enables automatic yearly payment of your membership fees once you have filled in and signed this SEPA mandate. General information on SEPA direct debit can be found at the webpages of the Deutsche Bundesbank.
Only three steps are needed to profit from this easy way of payment:
1. Please download the SEPA mandate from www.gaef.de/sepa.
2. Please fill in all given fields - use your membership number as the mandate reference.
3. Please send the filled and signed form via mail to our treasurer - your original signature is needed!
You will receive a confirmation about this payment method including your individual SEPA mandate reference and the Creditor identifier of GAeF. For each year your invoice will indicate the date of debit withdrawal from your bank account. This notification will be done at least 14 days prior to the withdrawal which gives you time to check that your bank account data are still correct and that enough money is present on your account.
By agreeing to these terms you agree that any charges for non valid bank accounts or due to insolvency have to be covered by you and will be additionally invoiced by GAeF.
SEPA bank transfer (SEPA - Überweisung)
Within the euro zone (+ some additional countries) you can pay your membership fees by SEPA bank transfer. Please refer to your invoice for details on bank account information. Please make sure you pay your dues within 30 days after receipt of your invoice.
Credit card
If you wish to pay by credit card you need to fill in, sign and send the credit card form to the treasurer. The credit card form is automatically attached to all invoices for countries that are not part of the SEPA system. If you are residing in a country where SEPA is available but you still would like to pay by credit card please contact the treasurer.
Payments of membership fees via credit cards (VISA and MASTER Card only!) are transacted via our service provider BS payone GmbH (www.bspayone.com). By agreeing to these terms you agree that GAeF shares your creditcard data (Card holder name, card number, security code, GAeF member name) with BS payone GmbH in order to execute the payment of your membership fees. Detailed Terms and Conditions of the BS payone GmbH can be found here:
In 2022 Paypal will be evaluated as an alternative payment method. If successful, the membership fee regulations will be adopted during the 2022 annual meeting of members. The following link shall be used:
Ideally, the option offered by Paypal to offset the cost of processing fees shall be selected - note that fees depend on your country of residence that is registered with PayPal and will be displayed during the payment process.